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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2012 6:18pm-6:48pm EST

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utterance in the park which held their makeshift library and that's when police began being more aggressive. ok right. here you claim i. thought everybody. was. now the police seem to use this tactic push more a few times on saturday in the corralling of the protesters led to spots of violence one of which involved demonstrators and cops fighting over a barrier fence. thank. god. well i video was filmed by artie's andrew blake and it shows the uniformed
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aggression by cops towards occupiers and the press oftentimes not differentiating between the two and fact photojournalist jerry nelson was amongst the eleven people who were arrested that day for allegedly disobeying orders and assaulting police officers several courts confirm the violence quickly subsided and the protesters agreed to leave the camp which has been cleared of their tents and bedding by saturday afternoon by the evening sanitation workers and a few police officers were combing through any of the last belongings the real left to make pearson with forklifts and garbage trucks and any time with belongings left inside was confiscated and swept up and police and forced the policy for the rest of the day with a truck carrying an infrared scanner to ensure that nobody sleeps there duffy remember the occupy encampment drew the attention of congress when republican darrell issa called on the members of the house oversight and government reform committee to tackle the very pressing issue of the parks becoming unsanitary and infested with rodents it was a rare move considering congress doesn't usually get involved in local issues and
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many saw this call for eviction is one that was politically motivated by congressional conservatives. now saturday's addiction was the first time the people were actually removed from the park which has been considered one of the longest standing occupy camps as one stood for one hundred twenty nine days and even though park police came through removed many people's personal belongings some occupiers were already back on sunday others stayed at the freedom plaza encampment regardless demonstrators a valid to return saying that you can't evict an idea whose time has come meanwhile the freedom plaza camp which is subject to the same no tent rules has been left untouched this weekend and as of right now we're not sure if they're going to face park police in the near future or if they'll be allowed to continue their protest. laws are now focused on syria for an eleven month old uprising and continual government crackdowns are keep going on today the united states closed its embassy in damascus and with through all staff members as follows not only the shelling of the city of homs on friday and saturday but also a failed un security council vote to condemn assad's government which both china
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and russia vetoed now since then the rhetoric has picked up even u.s. ambassador susan rice twitter the following disgusted that russia and china prevented the un security council from fulfilling its sole purpose so is this putting into question the importance of the u.n. or the showing of changing global influence and what should we expect the u.s. and other countries to do next joining me to discuss it is scott horton contributing editor on legal and national security matters for harper's magazine scott thanks so much for joining us tonight has been a while since united spoken about this what do you really think is is happening in syria right now right i mean it seems like the violence is perhaps picking up at the same time you also have those that are in opposition to assad who always want to peacefully protest saying that they now feel like they have no choice but to arm themselves and a lot of warnings that this will be a bloody civil war well i think there's no question but that right now the
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situation becoming far more broadly than it's been up to this day do that or so coming to be more and more akin to a civil war and more and more like what we were warned in libya particularly in the earlier days and there are a number of reports. out. about soldiers and even officers leaving it's clear that the number of them are being harbored or sheltered outside the syrian territory and that they're coordinating an opposition so you know with country on the road to civil war right now all right so let's talk about this new u.n. security council resolution which was vetoed by china. and by russia this was not about military intervention not about a no fly zone it really was just calls to condemn assad's regime but how much do you think that what ended up happening with the u.n. security council resolution over libya which did then obviously we saw a lot of mission creep there and ultimately led to cut off these fall do you think
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that something like that might have influence their decision. one hundred percent and i think that the vote that occurred this week in the rejection of the resolution condemnation. was already foreseeable from the close of the libyan operations i think it was very very clear in fact i said this in the piece i wrote in foreign policy that the next time this came up was likely to be in the context of syria and it is very clear that russia and china and perhaps a few other nations would vote no and the reason that is not at this resolution was going straight to responsibility to protect the military measures but it was setting the stage for exactly that because a we go back and look at what happened to libya there was the same sort of condemnation that was about to repeatedly and that set a situation where the security council to enforce its position had to move to a military sense so i think russia and china also
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a few other members are very concerned about what happened with libya because they voted a resolution to authorize the use of military force but also set very clear limits on that force it did not authorize regime change toppling the government of moammar gadhafi and yet the u.s. the u.k. and france use the resolution as a cover for regime change in fact a number of people national security council when pressed on this say openly that the president obama concluded that this was this was really the only meaningful way that the people of libya could be protected well that may be an honest assessment but it's not something that was authorized by the security council so i think to preserve their positions china and russia said no. what do you think of the you know like i said the rhetoric has definitely been behaving from the u.s. side to anything with that tweet that i read from susan rice she said that she's
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disgusted by the v.m. and that that doesn't allow the u.n. to fulfill its sole purpose and we same something like that before or is this i guess just a development in our new digital age you know well the tweets are are new but i think that sort of language is is certainly not new or not unique i mean i have sympathy for this view i mean i think most people who watch what's going on in syria are appalled by it and would like to see the security council raise its voice and interject its authority on the side of the protesters to protect them but i think in this case you know the example of libya is standing in the way so i think this is this is the negative fallout from the libya experience we're seeing right now and so what do you think really my happen next here because we've already seen a u.s. senator john kerry for example say if they're thinking of the other options of other ways to help the syrian people you know is it going to end up like the situations we've seen many times before where the u.n.
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is essentially taken out of the picture and countries go around in a might be to excuse me to supply weapons to one side or the other or even to you know to be a little more aggressive in terms of an intervention well it will read the tea leaves from the last seventy two hours and look at the statements that come out of london washington and paris in particular we see those nato allies circling back to something like the beginning of the libya situation where they're talking repeatedly about the need for assad to leave they say it's a regime change situation they appear to be locking themselves into that position and i that i think if if they stick to it is going to mean the sort of covert or intelligence operation aimed at undermining the assad regime. ultimately taking it down probably an operation that is prepared to allow this to take six months a year two years if that's necessary of sustained activity and i think in the
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periphery of syria there are a number of states that seem to share this analysis surprisingly turkey which at the beginning of the conflict at a very friendly attitude towards syria has turned around i think as public opinion and turkey was turned by the attacks on the civilians and it's clear that turkey now is being used as a staging grounds by people who are determined to oppose the government of assad. so what do you think of all that says about the u.n. and the role of the u.n. is playing right i mean we saw a lot of people even with iraq when the u.s. decided to go around the u.n. say that this is completely undermining what the u.n. is it's going to say that really has no credibility anymore and yet you can say that we also see some shifting global dynamics here in south pointing to the fact that in the past if you vote alongside with you know what the u.s. might want then you might get some good aid packages out of it but that neither china nor russia as is fairly need that anymore and they're willing to you know to
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assert that and the influence that they have what i'd say two things here i mean one is that this idea of responsibility to protect that the u.n. would step in to protect civilians even while not i'm willing itself in the ultimate political resolution of accomplished i think that was a very very important idea that's been badly wounded by by the libyan example and so i think that promising role has been question really but secondly i i wouldn't count the u.n. out all the way because i think if if the situation in syria continues to on the rabble we see the assad government losing its grip on the country at some point you are going to see the security council together and authorize some sort of measures but i don't think we're going to see anything like the libyan intervention again it's going to be more in the nature i think of humanitarian relief measures and
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maybe peacekeeping at some point maybe supervised elections those sorts of measures and if you see many trying to pass they may happen but the situation i'd say the authority to use our government has got to a ruby eroded considerably further before that happens. and i think that you know as you mention to the living example recent reports of what's going on there of torture going on in prisons and of what's going on in egypt to definitely make the prospects of if assad were to leave will it only be incredibly messy and violent afterwards so you're more likely scott thanks so much for joining us tonight great to be with you. coming up next we're going to bring you all the latest on the bradley manning as you notice any politically motivated ads during last night's super bowl when we come back we're going to determine if money is corrupting politics and if so with.
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people calling what you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the. past you can hear behind me loud explosions. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else some other part of it and realize that everything you. are visiting.
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my guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because you've got some to say listen now first i want to respond to a viewer that watched my fireside friday on senate leaders attempts to work around the defense trigger cuts and such for john seventy four commented on you tube the hypocrisy is all the more probable when you consider that this is the party of say it with me now personal responsibility i don't think they know what that means now let me just point out the hypocrisy on defense cuts is on both sides of the aisle unfortunately when it comes to spending on defense spending americans to war going to was always guarantee of the democrats and their. all wiccans will come together to vote in unity now in this specific case republican leadership is working to undermine the defense trigger cuts which they themselves agreed to which is what makes it so absurd so i do have to say that you know that like our viewer i find the republican rhetoric on fiscal and personal responsibility to be a wee bit hollow when you put it in the context of their support for the enormous
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defense budget and the lengths that which they will go to defend it that really includes going against what they agreed on they're not being either accountable or responsible in this case an extra one responder if you are the watch my interview with an experience on privately owned prisons jeffrey baldwin asked on facebook what's next privately operated police departments privately operated courts now is kind of far out as some of those might sound it's really not there are a lot of people out there that would like to see things go in that direction as we speak cities all across the country are experimenting with privatizing fire departments so it's not that far fetched to see how much farther they would like it to go public services across the map are under attack public schools public health care public e-mail and it's all fair game for those that like to see the government out of their lives unfortunately these areas are often where we see more waste of taxpayer money where we see more corruption so there needs to be a lot more research done in the face of these attempts to privatized everything and finally i want to respond to a kind of you are doing walton tweeted at us at the lone
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a show i just wanted to comment you on the interview with dylan ratigan a great job and a very informative keep up the good work so thank you there's an author to have done on the show and a lot of fun too i can tell you one thing that if there were more dylan ratigan on the mainstream networks i think this country would be in a very different place so it's of my ranting soon i'll be back with more as usual later in the week. well and i would got an update on p.f.c. bradley manning since mid january we've been waiting for a decision from major general michael lymington of the court martial convening authority he will be deciding whether or not to take up colonel paul months as recommendation of a court martial for manning it turns out now he has announced late friday that manning will face twenty two charges including wrongfully causing intelligence to be published on the internet where enemies can access that information transmitted defense information theft of public property and records fraud and related activity in connection with computers violating army regulation on information assurance and
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the army's information security program and most importantly he's being charged with aiding the enemy offense that can carry the death penalty sentence but prosecutors here have already determine that their maximum punishment will be life in prison and many also potentially faces a dishonorable discharge or reduction in rank to the lowest pay grade and total forfeiture of all paying allowances so far there's no date set for the army privates court martial proceedings but as kim zetter of wired points out the uniform code of military justice requires that a suspect be tried within one hundred twenty days of being arrested now since manning's arrest on may twenty sixth of two thousand and ten has clearly been held way past the speedy trial timeline so at this point we don't know when man who will finally learn his fate that will make sure to keep you updated. now if you like millions of people around the country watch the super bowl last night you know as usual we're inundated with a lot of expensive long and incredibly elaborate commercials some are funnies on try to be sexy others just become traditional staples at this point but we also saw
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politics come into play specifically if you live in the d.c. market and you may have caught this ad it takes a headache. i'm sick of you taking so much of my money out of every paycheck i know why you guys voted them in. i never even got a vote. did you guys get to vote for the union not me let me me me only ten percent of people in unions today actually voted to join the union everyone deserves a vote at least one time reason number two for the employee rights. so as we see money final the entire political system at record rates and we expect this kind of stuff to be the norm to discuss with me communications an outreach coordinator for united republic he's also a writer for a night or public's blog new blog republic report that thanks so much for joining us tonight. in terms of the super bowl i mean i think the last year we had
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a few political ads as well too but is this a pretty new development you think it's something that we're going to keep seeing more and more and more of them particularly after this is you know decision where we sort of saw the sort of the gates open in corporate money and sort of outside political spending and they were going to see more and more of this and i think what sort of made this unique was as going after unions i mean traditionally you'll see like hot button social issues becoming topic in the super bowl but they're actually seen it before with right now it seems like corporations are sort of exploiting for their own agenda in. this particular right tell us more about this specific god that right we're going to have to be seeing these ads i want to know more about who it is the decided to put out these funding it. sure so rick berman and company they're basically here out in the video all sorts of ads for all sorts of people everyone from like. fast food companies like philip morris you know all sorts of political communications and it's really fascinating you know you saw what you thought were a bunch of mechanics in that ad and rick berman was actually posing as one of the mechanics he's actually in his own ad playing an actor complaining about unions and
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it's fascinating because he thought that they maybe were a bunch of mechanics but rick berman you know his house three point three million dollars i mean the multimillionaire made all his money basically you know hacking for politicians and for corporate causes you know when we have ads like this is important will always know where the money's coming from who is in them and you know what what the what the real message behind them is and not just take things at face value so what do you say about what they said in this ad right which is only one out of ten union workers actually get a chance to vote. well it's really fascinating what you know what i would always do with ads like this is just go go to our blog public report we've actually done a long sort of a few paragraphs debug on sort of the different facts being put out here i mean one of the main things to remember is that the sort of facts that people like repairing give you are typically skewed in one direction and you know the truth is that most unions have a really hard time getting off the ground because they can go through n.l.r.b. elections process for years and years and workers actually can't get the sort of unions that they want to be and if you take a look at polls millions of millions of americans say they want to be able to get
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in that because the process is too difficult to go through and there's a lot more people out there who are concerned about their their right to organize and then being concerned about being forced into a union r.k. so then since you brought it up let's hear more about this new blog you're part of it's called a public report. is involved in it and it's about getting the money out of politics it's not as corrupt anymore. tell us tell us more shares so you know i work for an organization now called united republic or basically a nonprofit we're trying to organize left right and center to get money big money out of politics you know we don't care if you're a card carrying republican earlier in the green party we want you to stand with us in fighting the corrupting influence of big money and we've launched this blog a republican dot org basically we're trying to investigate the world money in politics and expose you know politicians democrats or republicans non-profits lobbying shops the media anyone who's on the take a big money is sort of distorting our democratic process with what's happening with corporate dollars especially so far and move on to another story i want to show us another ad that was on the super bowl last night and this is i mean it's actually
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a car commercial and. whatever take a look for there is definitely some political. behind it. i've seen a lot of stuff a lot of downturns of my life times when we didn't understand each other seems we've lost our good times for going to vision discord and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead of matters now is what. how do we compromise. how to really come together. how do we. so basically there are two ways talking about detroit how they came back they pulled together i feel like it was a pretty big commercial for the auto bailout there yeah and also if you will see there was actually a rally they showed of the wisconsin capitol may actually blurred out all the unions and we want people to know there was a pro union message on the signs of the people at the rally that's another another fact of corporations using you know their advertising to the people so i don't buy
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the theme time they like the government like the bailout and i was a little weird to me but ok that's another story that i want to talk to you about if we're talking about the influence of money in politics is the koch brothers held their annual retreat that they have in california and this time they reportedly raise one hundred and mill hundred million dollars just to be obama and they say that david and charles koch themselves that sixty million dollars into this i mean that is a whopping amount of money but i wonder if you think that this is part of what's wrong with the g.o.p. right now right there facing a crisis of leadership they don't have any really good options that voters seem to like in terms of countering the president and so are they just throwing as much money as they possibly can to you know to see what sticks and this is what the koch brothers are doing for years you know particularly since president obama took office is they've they've been dumping money particularly and outside good for other candidates to sort of tear one candidate down rather than sort of support candidates and sort of show the positive part of their message i mean there are only two hundred fifty to three hundred donors at that conference and they pledged
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one hundred million dollars so you can do the math and see how much money people are pledging even if you take into account that charles and david you know place sixty million dollars and you know the unfortunate. you know this isn't something that's seclude just the republican party and democratic parties doing the same thing to try to tear sort of mitt romney newt gingrich down and you know that this solution is really attacking this is them attacking a system that demands that people spend tens of millions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars just to compete in an election i mean i think even charles and david koch would like to save some of their money and participate in a more fair way if we had a better system so i bet i bet they would like to save a little bit more of their money but you know i think that there is something to be said to you if you look at some of the polls that came out today and i think you can say that that's thanks to the jobs numbers that came out about the month of january but obama is once again beating their candidates when it comes to matters of the economy when it comes to national security and you know he's getting a boost and no matter what republicans are outspending democrats in this sense or at least the super pacs are and you know if they're throwing so much money at it people still don't like
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a candidate like they're in trouble to me. just my guess just my guess is that thanks so much for joining us tonight. i thought it comes and i fox news think that someone cooking the books when it comes to the job numbers are given details and are told by that unhappy hour now the bit torrent site busts that bites the dust and is a better to have three parents for himself and all that after the break. you'll be happy to answer. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the tomato plant where the math you can hear behind me loud explosions. reading the. news all week i mean.
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you don't know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome is a big issue. sorry
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guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to the crew over at fox and friends say the latest jobs report came out last week it was being held is pretty good news not perfect but an improvement basically all across the board so you could say good news for the country and of course good news for president obama everywhere except fox news of course now i'm the first person to take a look at the jobs of course and point out that things are not usually as rosy as
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the media tries to paint them to be the media rarely reports on the u. six measurement which includes the millions that have left the workforce simply stop looking those that are underemployed part time or marginally attached to the work force so the real unemployment number there is fifteen point one percent and these are important figures to point out as we do here on this show including the problem of those that are long term unemployed don't forget more than forty percent of those that are unemployed have been so for more than six months and longer they're out of a job the harder it is to get a new one but i also pointed out that these jobs numbers were pretty good comparatively because the numbers show it out fox news obviously just couldn't even admit the jobs numbers had anything positive in them and instead tried desperately to spin this as something sinister it's not the way the numbers are reported throughout the media every single month no it's much bigger than that it is a conspiracy. they playing around the numbers look it's the bureau of labor statistics it's supposed to be nonpartisan but that's the department of labor hilda solis heads of department of labor hilda solis works directly for obama you know
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our goals are kind of i was saying there's there's room for error there's room there's a but when you talk about four million people how do you know i mean how do you how do you know how to think and i don't think anything anyone should be surprised you know your calls gretchen if they're estimating that number ok so it's interpretation is a way in which we would just look at the books they are really get to me for this conversation is all the hints and innuendo there if you want to come out and say the obama administration is deliberately reporting wrong numbers or reporting the unemployment numbers in a different way than previous months or previous administrations and just come out and say it if there's something else going on here please please just let me in on it now if you're wise and all the business insider points out there would need to prove quite a large conspiracy not only with the bureau of labor statistics have to be in hoots with the private payroll company a.d.p. whose numbers line right up with the b.l.s. but also the institute for supplying management.


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